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有趣的孩子和動物在動物園 - 有趣的動物園動物 - 有趣的動物和嬰兒視頻 - 滑稽的動物園視頻


有趣的孩子和動物在動物園 - 有趣的動物園動物 - 有趣的動物和嬰兒視頻 - 滑稽的動物園視頻
Funny Kids & Animals at the Zoo - Funny Zoo Animals - Funny Animals & Babies Video -Funny Zoo Videos2019-01-29​
來源  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlsfEWd2ARU

Funny kids and zoo animals that will make you laugh, guaranteed! Bears, hippo, gorilla, giraffe, camels, tigers, whales, dolphins, monkeys and more are funny and cute as they play with kids and babies. Funny animals, babies and kids at the zoo videos, only the funniest to make you laugh. DO YOU HAVE A FUNNY OR CUTE PET OR ANIMAL VIDEO? Please send us your video to whywhorldchannel(at)gmaildotcom to be featured on our channel! MUSIC: Amazing Plan - Silent Film Dark by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/ #animal #zoo #funny #animals #kid

有趣的孩子和動物園動物會讓你發笑,保證! 熊,河馬,大猩猩,長頸鹿,駱駝,老虎,鯨魚,海豚,猴子等都很有趣,因為它們與孩子和嬰兒一起玩耍。 有趣的動物,嬰兒和孩子們在動物園的視頻,只有最有趣的讓你笑。 您是否有趣或可愛的寵物或動物視頻? 請將您的視頻發送至whywhorldchannel(at)gmaildotcom,以便在我們的頻道上播出! 音樂:驚人的計劃 - 凱文麥克勞德的無聲電影黑暗是根據知識共享署名許可證(https://creativecommons.org/licenses / ...)獲得許可來源:http://incompetech.com/music/royalty- .. 藝術家:http://incompetech.com/ #animal #zoo #funny #animals #kid


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